If you have an intelligent fire alarm, then it goes without saying to create good automation for these in Home Assistant. Not only should the fire alarm beep loudly and clearly, but it can also trigger a number of things that will ensure you receive even better alerts.
The challenge can be if you have many fire alarms. Then it is a bit time-consuming to create similar automation. But in Home Assistant there are fortunately options to make this much more manageable. Use groups!
To create a new group of fire detectors, go under Settings -> Devices & Services -> Helpers
Press “+ Create helper” -> Group -> Binary sensor group.
Give the group a logical name, and enter the different smoke detectors you have in the group. Press Submit
After you have created the group, edit the group by clicking on it and pressing “settings” in the upper right corner.
Under the “Show as” menu – select “Smoke”
Then we have to create the automation itself.
In the Trigger field on the automation, select “state” and enter the new group you created. In the “To” field, select “Detected”.
Under Actions, you then enter the various actions to be performed.
One of the actions that are good to create is a notification on the mobile that says something about which fire alarm has been triggered.
Then we have to “read out” which notifications there are from the group. This can be done by entering the following code:
service: notify.notify
message: >-
Trigged by: {{ expand('binary_sensor.smoke_sensor')|selectattr('state','eq','on')|map(attribute='name')|join(',
') }}
title: Fire alarm!
name: default
critical: 1
volume: 1
Beyond this, it is almost only the imagination that sets the limits.
- turn on all lights
- unlock your door
- activate alarm bells
- Turn off power plugs
- send a notice to the in-laws that they have to make the bed, because now this goes straight to h…..
- etc